Immediate Care of an Intoxicated Person

For immediate medical assistance call 314-935-5555 for on-campus help, or 911 from off campus.

Immediate medical assistance is necessary if the person is:

  • No longer breathing or does not have a pulse
  • Having difficulty breathing (choking, wheezing, or rasping)
  • Breathing irregularly (less than 6x per minute, more than 20x per minute)
  • Unconscious or semiconscious, unable to “wake up”
  • Shaking, or having convulsions or seizures
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Complaining of pressure or tightness in the chest
  • Feverish or having the “chills”
  • Cold or clammy to the touch
  • Pale or bluish in skin tone
  • Unable to stand, walk, or speak without difficulty
  • Vomiting while passed out
  • Unable to control their bodily functions
  • Injured, violent, or threatening
  • Paranoid, confused, or disoriented to person, place, and time
  • At risk of hurting him/herself or others

If you think or wonder if you should call 911/EST, call. Do not hesitate.

Continue to monitor them for the above symptoms—it is helpful to enlist the help of friends who can take turns checking up on the person every 30-60 minutes throughout the evening Don’t give the person any food or liquid (including water) if the person is vomiting or nauseated​
Place the person in bed, lying on his/her side Don’t give the person anything to help them sober up (including aspirin, coffee, tea, soda or a cold shower)​
Leave the person’s door open so others can hear sounds of distress Don’t induce vomiting​
Stay with a person who is vomiting to prevent choking​ Don’t suggest walking, running, or any other form of exercise​
Find out what substances the person has taken so you can give this information to medical professionals if necessary Don’t attempt to restrain or argue with an intoxicated person
Be aware that the person may act unpredictably—remember, your safety is your first priority​ Don’t keep the person awake