Habif Health and Wellness Center

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Accreditations and Certifications

The Habif Health and Wellness Center is accredited by the AAAHC and is a member of the JED Campus Program, the ACHA and the WUSTL Green Offices Program.

ADHD Treatment

Start by submitting your ADHD medical documentation to CCPS. This must be done before an ADHD appointment can be scheduled.

Alcohol & Other Drug Resources

On-campus resources related to alcohol and other drugs.

Alcohol & Other Drugs Training and Programming

Learn more about alcohol and other drugs training and programming opportunities available through Health Promotion Services.

Alcohol Education and Safer Use

If you choose to drink, drink responsibly. You can reduce your risk of an alcohol-related problem and still have fun with just a little education.

Allergy Injection Order Form for Allergists (PDF)

Get the form for your allergist to complete and submit to Habif for your allergy injections.

Allergy Injections

Habif Health and Wellness Center offers continuous care for students receiving an allergy injection prescribed by an allergist.

Allergy Patients Letter of Agreement (DOC)

Complete the allergy patient's letter of agreement for allergy treatment at Habif.